By Cathy Huseby
Summer . . . time to relax, go to the beach, and just chill. Or not??
As a high school student, your motivation doesn't end the last day of school. To be resourceful and multi-dimensional as a college applicant a few years from now, you might want to consider the following in making good use of your time and talents:
1) Consider getting a job. That's right -- a job, where you earn a paycheck. Getting a job shows initiative, willingness to work hard, and a desire to learn new skills. These are great traits!
2) Consider getting (or creating) an internship in a field that interests you. This takes creativity and initiative, but what better way to experience the field you are considering by working (or volunteering) alongside someone else who is doing what you love?
3) Try something new -- broaden yourself. Now is the time to show that you like to learn, not just academically, but outside of school. Pick up a book and learn Latin, take a rock-climbing course, try paddle boarding, or teach yourself to sew. Keep active!
4) Explore colleges you are interested in. Take a virtual tour, explore their majors, go on their course catalogs and read course descriptions, and actually visit the college. What better way to get to know if this college is a good fit for you!
5) Work on a project that is meaningful to you. Or volunteer. These can be related to what you value; what you feel is important. It can be working with kids, working with pets, working with seniors, or working for a cause. Enjoy it!
6) Explore your interests - if you have no idea what you'd like to major in, take some self-assessments and explore more of what YOU might enjoy doing as a career. We can help you get you started.
How you best use your summer can make an impact on how you are perceived in the college admission process -- do it well!